4 Types of Evidence in a Crime Scene

Proving a case in a court of law relies on evidence. Not all evidence is the same, though. Some evidence seems “iron clad” while another piece of evidence may feel circumstantial, at best. For instance, is the fact that a couple was in a big fight before the wife was found dead evidence that her husband did it? Some may say yes, while others say no. If there was a receipt that he bought a knife an hour before the murder, would that be enough evidence? Now, let’s say there is a friend who was in the room when he killed her. All of this is evidence, but all of this evidence is very different. When there is enough legitimate evidence present in a case, it will help to convict a suspect of a crime. When there isn’t enough evidence, the jury might return a not guilty verdict. After all, they are told it must be “beyond a shadow of a doubt.” 

With all of this in mind, let’s take a more detailed look at the four different types of crime scene evidence. The four types of evidence recognized by the courts include:

Demonstrative- This is evidence that demonstrates the testimony given by a witness or proven by evidence found at the scene. This is typically done using diagrams, maps, 3D forensic animations, and other similar methods. Demonstrative evidence can become a powerful persuasion tool! It is an essential part of an attorney’s presentation because of the value and impact that this type of visual evidence can give to support the facts being explained.

Real- The clues found at the scene are “real evidence.” Anything of any kind that was present or used in the case being presented in court is real evidence. It can include bloodied clothing, a vehicle, a gun, a bottle of liquor with finger prints on it, a knife, a door with a bullet hole in it, money marked by anti-theft coloring, and much more.

Testimonial- Testimonial evidence is typically that of any statement made by a witness or other person during the course of the trial. This is the simplest type of evidence. It does not require any other piece of evidence to support it or make it “legitimate.” If a person saw the shooting occur or was in the room for the crime, their testimony can make or break a case!

Documentary- This is any type of evidence that helps to document the issue being discussed in the trial. If the trial surrounds a breach of contract, the documentary evidence would be the actual contract that was breached. The judge and jury would need to know the language specifically used in the contract. 

At the Evidence Room, we use all forms of evidence and put the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle. When we create demonstrative evidence for you to present at court, you can know you are prepared as possible to win your case!

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